
In recent years, globalization has taken place in variety of fields, thereby increasing the number of foreign tourists and residents in Japan. Communication barrier from differences in culture and language is one of the biggest challenges faced by foreigners spending time in Japan.
At Language One, we help foreign residents working in Japan and visitors increasing as a result of the Olympics, overcome the communication barrier. This is done through telephone interpretation especially in the areas dealing with safety and security such as medical, fire, and police. Service is also provided in areas dealing with infrastructure such as electricity, gas, water, transportation, communication, and finance, etc.
We will provide high quality service to individuals with diverse values, and by extending our hospitality and sharing our inspiration with our customers, we will contribute to build an affluent society.

Company name and its origin

Language One was launched from our desire to continue providing high quality service and to contribute in connecting the world.


Message from the President

Due to the increase in foreign visitors and workers, we have been responding to needs by providing services such as “multilingual interpretation service”, “multilingual written translation service”, and “dispatching/introducing multilingual personnel” to Companies and Government Agencies in Japan.

To ensure a safe and pleasant living environment for the increasing number of foreign nationals in Japan, and to assist companies and government agencies that deal with foreign business travelers, tourists, and immigrants, we aim to provide services that include “support for accepting foreigners and for those that want to settle” and “support/consultation for recruiting foreigners”.

Our motto is “hospitality from the heart”, and we will serve as a bridge between Japan and global companies, thereby contributing to build an affluent society.

Junichi Arai, President  

Company Mission

わたしたちはランゲージサービスを通じて, 世界中の人々を一つにつなぐお手伝いをします より良いサービスを追求し, サービスに関わるお客様と感動を共有します サービスとおもてなしの心をお届けすることで, 豊かな社会を創出するグローバル企業を目指します